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The aim of this Institute is
to share expertise, experience and knowledge
about Next Level Learning,
the 4th generation systems thinking 
for solving complex problems.

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Why Next Level Learning

The past decades have shown that the many methodologies and tools based on systems thinking do not work sufficiently to solve the complex problems in this world. This has led to four insights into the important shortcomings. Next Level Learning has been developed based on these four insights and is therefore referred to as the 4th generation systems thinking on this website.

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How to achieve actual solutions

In order to arrive at a complete solution to a complex problem, ideally all people involved should have the same solution in mind. In practice, it is necessary that sufficient people see the same solution with Next Level Learning with regards to each of the four critical parts of the complex problem.

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Sharing expertise, experience and knowledge

Next Level Learning is easy to learn by doing exercises using a tool. These are freely available to everyone. This institute has built up expertise, experience and knowledge about Next Level Learning and has seen in many areas what could change significantly, what the new possibilities are, how transitions could take place, etc. This institute shares this expertise, experience and knowledge in (group) meetings.
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Vision 2100+

Due to many different perspectives on complex problems, the world is full of conflicts, oppositions, tensions, embargoes, disputes, disconnections, hostilities and even wars. Next Level Learning, the 4th generation systems thinking, makes everybody see everything from the perspective of the whole includes ourselves, in a dynamic way. We will all gain a shared perspective. We will see shared possibilities and solutions. This will make us collaborate, feel connected and in peace with each other. Imagine what an incredible change this will be compared to the current situation in this world and how much power, energy and time we will gain to create a better world for everyone.

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